So I get this question all the time, "So you must go to the beach almost everyday since you live in Hawaii?" Well honestly I would love to say we go all the time, but we don't. A beach trip can be very exhausting. Fun but exhausting. So normally I try to go when my husband can come with me and give me an extra set of hands. A month ago, I participated in a day in the life photography project and I chose a trip to the beach for mine.
Usually while my kids are eating breakfast, I started the preparation for the beach. To include packing: loads of sunscreen for my little whiteys, snacks, water, juice, towels, chairs, sand toys and boogie boards, not to mention an awesome fold up wagon to carry it all. Step 1 is done and now time to load my babies up. Once we get to the destination, step 2: Lubing them up with sunscreen. This trip I only had 2 kids so it was a little quicker but still time consuming making sure they are well protected along with myself. Also, remembering to reapply every hour. One of my favorite places to go when its just me with the kids is a beach called "Dog Beach". At this beach, you can walk around forever and never above my kids waist and also see tons of dogs running around since it is their beach! My kids can have the freedom to explore more while I can slowly walk behind them and observe them while chit chatting with a friend. After a few hours, I start reminding my kids "okay 10 more minutes, okay 5 more minutes, Boys we leave in 2 minutes", so when it's time to actually pack up and leave they are okay with the decision and no temper tantrums. As you can see from the images, my kids had an exciting and exhausting time and no wonder they passed out in the car! My reward listening and singing along to my music!

Ahahahah I love at the end how the both of them are passed out!~ Aww Love my little guy in there!