Favorites June 14 - 20, 2015

Day 165 {6.14.2015 Bond} The new bond is in town!

Day 166 {6.15.2015} Stretch!

Day 167 {6.16.2016 Games} Like father like son. Liam loves when he gets to play a game on the iPad especially when with Daddy!

Day 168 {6.17.2015 Face} Having a clean face in this house is pretty hard with a busy 2 year old!

Day 169 {6.18.2015 Beach} {iPhone Photography} I decided not to bring my camera today but so happy i had enough battery on my phone. Liam had a blast surfing the sand and the occasional wave lol

Day 170 {6.19.2015 Tickles} Liam loves to play in the shower even with his clothes on and he was so adorable today. I heard lots of little giggles and belly laughs because the shower was tickling his neck.

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