Favorites July 19 - 25, 2015
Day 200 {7.19.2015 Stretch} Morning stretches feel so good!
Day 201 {7.20.2015 Look} My handsome boy! Patiently waiting for it be time for school!
Day 202 {7.21.2015 Run} Run Run Run!
Kids love to run around at dog beach... water is shallow for a long time!
Day 203 {7.22.2015 sleep} So peaceful in Momma's bed!
Day 204 {7.23.2015 relax} Enjoying a relaxing day in the yard!
Day 205 {7.24.2015 Skateboard} Skateboarding is always fun way to burn off extra energy!
Day 206 {7.25.2015 Precious} My precious!