Favorites July 5 - July 11, 2015

Day 186 {7.5.2015 Walk} Peaceful Walk in Daddy's Arms!

Day 187 {7.6.2015} My little Beauty!

Day 188 {7.7.2015 Beach iPhone} They might be small but they love to tackle the waves!

Day 189 {7.8.2015 DayDream} My little ham daydreaming away!

Day 190 {7.9.2015 Sick} Sickies... Can you guess someone isn't feeling well today? Skyler surprised us with sickness this morning but still made the most of it today. Even with going through two boxes of tissues!

Day 191 {7.10.2015 Beach iPhone} The rain came and tried to ruin our beach day but we still had a blast. These two couldn't get enough of watching the airplanes take off and splashing in the waves.

Day 192 {7.11.2015 Sickies} Even Superheroes have their down days!
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