Favorite August 23 - September 2, 2015

Day 235 {8.23.2015} Today was a nice relaxing day indoors. Mother nature made sure we stayed inside do to heavy rain and thunderstorms. Chloe and I watched the new American Girl movie "Grace"

Day 236 {8.24.2015} I'm a robot!

Day 237 {8.25.2015} Just Jamming away!

Day 238 {8.26.2015} Enjoying some time with Daddy's Legos while brother is off at school.

Day 239 {8.27.2015} Isn't she the sweetest! She surprised me with this after school.

Day 240 {8.28.2015} All ready for school... She loves 4th grade!

Day 241 {8.29.2015} My Handsome Boy!

Day 242 {8.30.2015} Made some time today to explore outside. It was a nice break from prepping for our movers/packers.

Day 243 {8.31.2015} Our New Table... The counter!

Day 244 {9.1.2015} Almost 3! Next week my little man will be 3!

Day 245 {9.2.2015} My little sharks!
Cute photos! I really like the legos picture. And the shark towels (are they sharks??).