Christmas has come and gone and what a joyful time we had! This is my favorite season and not because of the presents I receive but because of the joy I see on my families faces! Seeing my kids eyes light up, just melts my heart!
Favorites December 21 - 27, 2014
Day 353 {12.21.2014 Always up to something} Liam was up to something today with his food... Glad I didn't have to find out lol
Day 356 {12.22.2014} Rain or shine she is beautiful girl. The sun was shining through the rain so brightly I took advantage of this opportunity to capture her!
Day 357 {12.23.2014 Cookie Time} Can you guess what we did today? I love this time of year! Mess and all we had a blast making and decorating cookies!
Day 358 {12.24.2014 Christmas Eve} Starting when Chloe was born, we would opened 1 gift and that was Christmas PJs. But starting last year I switched it to a Christmas Eve box! Of course they still get PJs but I also try to include a snack while watching a Christmas movie and a book. This year I found the perfect book. Santa comes to Hawaii! Perfect right! Kids keep asking is it time to open it yet?
Day 359 {12.25.2014 Christmas} These are the my favorite type of presents! My tree will one day be filled with handmade ornaments from my babies! <3
Day 360 {12.26.2014 Beach} Beach day! Perfect way to spend the day!
Day 261 {12.27.2014 Hello} Why Hello there!
Continue on and see what is new with week with Sharyn from Sharyn Thompson Photography. She's amazing! <3